Friday 31 July 2009

The best thing in my life

For me, there is important thing which if I lost it, I wasn't me. That is relationship which includes friendship and my important people.
I have been London for a month. The first day I was been here, I thought that I wouldn't miss everyone in my town. But maybe I mistaked. Every night when I go to bed, their figure always appeare in my mind. Therefore, I feel that the people I have met is all of me. When I lived in Vietnam, I didn't know about that. I didn't think about one day I stayed away from home and I could't see my friend any more. And now, I wished I had more time to do that. I wished I could go back to the time to see any one which are the most important in my life. I wished I could but I can.
I usually think about one day my friend will go far away from me to get a job. Maybe this is the biggest problem in my life. I don't want to far away any one. I don't want one day I wake up with a start without everybody. That day is the full stop in my life. And I thought that there are 2 ways to solve this problem. The first is made a new relationship. Another one is establish a company and invit my friend to come and do in my company. Maybe the second one is more difficult but it will be usefull. That is the best wish in my life

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